The Laffer Curve
Major points:
- high tax rates
- reduce incentives to work, save, and invest.
- impede the long run growth of aggregate supply
- (rewards of working vs. leisure / saving vs. consuming are reduced)
- There's a range were the tax rate will discourage people from doing things with their money.
Things to consider:
- value of work
- value of leisure
- after-tax revenue
The curve suggests:
- High tax rates will lead to less overall tax revenue
- lower tax rates will increase overall tax revenue
- lower rates encourage saving and investing
- people have an incentive to substitute work for leisure
- firms have better equipment (improves productivity)
- rise in labor productivity expands LRAS
- unemployment and inflation rates low
- firms are doing more "tax shopping".
- People and businesses headquarter in places with low tax rates.
- the government in the home country is loosing all of their tax revenue from that business or person.